Everyone Is Capable Of Greatness:

The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively, we all have something unique about us that makes us different from everyone else. And that’s where our power comes from....

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You Are Incomparable

You have a unique assignment, to fulfill in the world, in other words, there is something about you, that sets you apart from your colleagues, friends and even siblings, is not a limitation is actually your power place and that’s why you don’t have to compare yourself...

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Purpose Driven Life

Make a decision to not just pass through life quietly observing from the sidelines, no! There’s more to your life than just observing, you where created for more! You where created to leave a mark, you were created to make an impact, your were created for a divine...

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Spencer’s Advice on Change

In his book, " Who Moved my Cheese" Author, Dr.spencer Johnson. Narrated a very instructive story, on how various individuals react to change in their lives and how we can manage Change more effectively. Change is inevitable, and we are all going to face it at some...

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Roll With The Punches

A writer told a story of a certain young athlete, whose shoe's accidentally pulled off from his feet in a middle of a very competitive race, hower, this young athlete did not let that little delay or what you may refer as a set back, deter his commitment to continue...

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STUFFS ARE TEMPORALLY:is pertinent to understand that nothing last forever. Around last year January up until the beginning of this year the whole world was on a stand still, due to the deadly corona virus disease, there were questions on how long is going to take to...

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